
Here at Tri Delta, maintaining scholastic excellence is of the utmost importance. Members are required to meet certain academic standards each semester to be eligible for membership. Additionally, our chapter participates in academic programs such as weekly study hours and chapter-wide academic points to encourage our members in achieving academic excellence. 

Members wishing to hold officer positions are held to an even higher academic standard they must meet in order to be considered eligible to hold a position. 

To aid our members in their academic pursuits, it is the job of the Academic Development Chairperson to coordinate chapter-wide workshops with guest speakers on issues such as time management, study skills, and tools for reaching out to professors. Additionally, the Academic Development Chairperson hosts Major Fairs which provide members the opportunity to meet with other members who are in their same major. Upperclassmen are able to hand down vital information and offer advice to younger members who are in their same major. The Academic Development Chairperson also connects our members to Greek tutors and tutoring services on campus.

Members who do not meet academic standards are provided extra support and resources to help them regain their confidence in their school work and to help them on the right path toward academic success.